Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Great Times Vapors is committed to conducting its business in an ethical and responsible manner. As part of our dedication to social responsibility, we acknowledge the importance of combating modern slavery in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery within our organization and supply chains.

Our Policy:

Modern slavery encompasses various forms of exploitation, including forced labor, human trafficking, child labor, and other violations of human rights. Great Times Vapors has a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery, and we strive to ensure that it has no place in our operations or supply chains.

Supply Chain and Due Diligence:

We recognize that our supply chains play a vital role in delivering the products and services that we offer. We are committed to working with suppliers and business partners who share our values and commitment to human rights. We conduct due diligence to assess and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains.

Our due diligence practices include:

  1. Supplier Assessments: We evaluate potential suppliers and business partners based on their ethical practices, labor conditions, and commitment to human rights. We engage with suppliers who uphold our standards and demonstrate a proactive approach to combatting modern slavery.
  2. Supplier Agreements: We maintain agreements with our suppliers that explicitly state our expectations regarding labor standards, human rights, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. These agreements emphasize the prohibition of modern slavery and reinforce our commitment to ethical business practices.
  3. Monitoring and Auditing: We conduct regular monitoring and auditing of our supply chains to ensure compliance with our standards. This includes site visits, assessments, and reviews of supplier policies and practices.

Employee Awareness and Training:

We believe that raising awareness among our employees is crucial to prevent modern slavery. We provide training programs and resources to our employees to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery, their responsibility to report any concerns, and the steps we take to address such issues. By fostering a culture of vigilance and responsibility, we empower our employees to actively contribute to our efforts in combatting modern slavery.

Reporting and Whistleblowing:

Great Times Vapors encourages its employees, suppliers, and business partners to report any suspected cases of modern slavery promptly. We have implemented mechanisms to facilitate confidential and anonymous reporting of concerns related to modern slavery. Reports are treated with the utmost seriousness and are thoroughly investigated. Appropriate actions will be taken to address any substantiated allegations, including termination of relationships with non-compliant parties.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery. We regularly review and assess our policies, procedures, and due diligence measures to ensure they remain effective and aligned with international standards and best practices. We actively engage with industry initiatives and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to share knowledge and enhance our collective efforts in eradicating modern slavery.


Great Times Vapors is dedicated to promoting ethical conduct, human rights, and responsible business practices. We are committed to combatting modern slavery and ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from exploitation. This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our ongoing commitment to transparency and continuous improvement in this critical area.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and represents the efforts and initiatives undertaken by Great Times Vapors to address modern slavery.

For further inquiries or to report any concerns related to modern slavery, please contact us at [email protected]

Date: 18-7-2023


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